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  • Writer's pictureNalini Mahadeo

“Don’t Be A Hard Rock When You Really Are A Gem”

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

Lauryn Hill’s lyrics are celebrated with countless works of art and resung at the top of our lungs but most people don’t know how profound her words really are.

Under immense pressure, carbon becomes a diamond. I mean…how extraordinary is that?! Something unattractive reaches its boiling point and transforms into a globally sought after material. But this isn’t a science lesson, it's a perspective on how the universe is within us.


Thanks to social media, everyone is tossing around the words ‘vibes’ and ‘synergy’ and it’s now so hip to be ‘woke’. Ummmmm, no. It is not hip at all and I can attest to the fact that I spend most of my time very quietly in thought and observation. In public, I am often caught smiling, giggling and sporting my signature bubbly nature, but the stillness I am referring to is the unpacking and processing of the smallest things which envelope my world behind closed doors; the jokes, memes, conversations, my stubbornness, my overly sensitive nature as a classic empath. Awakening has exposed how much of myself is silenced and dumbing myself down due to not wanting to appear crazy or avoiding that head tilt people do when I try to explain what’s on my mind. The amount of suppression is enough to make anyone explode and I have. I have made split second life altering decisions, senseless remarks, ill timed or mistaken sarcasm, some of which have led to being threatened with abandonment and punishment for expression when really, all I’m doing is simply communicating what’s in my heart.


What I seek is safety. I’m not talking about physical protection that many feel I need because I am a single mom and to a certain group of individuals, that automatically means I’m a fragile female. Certain vulnerabilities is a fair assumption, but the most frustrating aspect of it all is being unheard. Freedom of speech, acceptance, not necessarily seeking agreement and compliance, but an environment where healthy, intimate discussions are promoted is what I strive for. It was with great selfishness and intense desire to change my life which has led me to some incredible people. Other ‘woke’ people who are on their journeys, discovering their own voices and expressing themselves through creative mediums such painting, food artists, healers, musicians and most notably, other writers.

Developing my voice as a writer includes following and studying the works of others. Learning and appreciating their content by liking and sharing; the support goes a long way in helping someone develop their craft. I have the privilege to share with you a poem from a talented young man from my native country of Guyana who is paving the way for increased mental health awareness through female empowerment. Tarik Braithwaite’s intent with his newly released book, “The Art of Blooming” is to encourage growth by acknowledging the pain, addressing the questions directly of what most females are taught to avoid out of respect for culture and historical standards. Although several poems spoke to me on a very deep level, Tarik’s words in When Flowers Wilt reminds me of the very same questions I ask myself several times over when I think about my future.

What happens when my time to wilt is near?

When the bees are no longer attracted to me.

What happens when my stalk sags?

When the eyes that once gazed in ah no longer

stops to admire my beauty.

What happens when my petals fade and fall

one by one.

What happens then?

Do I wilt like the flowers before me?

Maybe…or maybe…I become something more.


Tarik’s directive is beautifully phrased in a universal language and embodies the popular saying of growing through what we go through. Our individual stories are unique and what makes Braithwaite’s work captivating is it challenges us to view ourselves as a seed or carbon and dig way beneath the surface and embrace the immense pressure to do the work necessary to reveal our final form as a flower and/or a diamond. Whichever metaphor you relate to, I implore you to remember that you hold the power and can explore resources on how to break generational curses and be a pioneer of changing the narrative of weak and voiceless to strong and resilient women.

By networking and being open to education, pushing my own limits has proven to be fruitful in ways I gave up on so long ago. My inspiration has been to move away from the stigma of North American life where work/life balance is nonexistent and being ‘busy’ is worn as a badge of honour. My goals have been altered and are now geared towards showcasing and bringing awareness to my community and I am grateful for people like Tarik who have shown that dedication and passion are keys to success.

Today, March 8th, 2022, we mark International Women’s Day. What better way to celebrate our incredible accomplishments and promote courage than to gift a perhaps struggling soul or yourself a book of poetry meant to inspire and uplift our spirits? “The Art of Blooming” is available exclusively through Amazon.

Sing it with me ladies…

Girlfriend let me break it down for you again

You know I only say it ‘cause I’m truly genuine

Don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem.

A huge part of my adventure in growing is discovering there is an entire world of Caribbean literature available at my fingertips. Being born and raised in Canada, I haven’t been exposed to the magic of West Indian talent and as mentioned earlier, the benefit of social media is the ability to connect and engage with people like Tarik whose hard work has earned himself a silver badge awarded by TCK Publishing for Best General Fiction Book for 2021, “Trapped In Thought”.


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